It’s Gonna Be May


Whew the last day of May! Thank God! It’s as if the Lord sent me all my tests this month and said it’s gonna be May for you Jasmine! Well I think I passed with flying colors! This month was all about awakening and pushing me into a new season.

I started this month with a sale for Kaye Consults with a goal of 15 orders. Let’s just say y’all showed up and showed out for me in the month of May. I surpassed my goal with flying colors and most orders were for more than 1 service! I am forever grateful!

Also, started this month with a commitment to workout 6 days a week and have little to no cheat days! My trainer Kory @iamthekingoffitness on Instagram is a beast and his workouts have been keeping me sane during this pandemic! The meal plan is pretty good too might I add and isn’t really depriving me from good food! I almost had a moment where I wanted to quit but I’m so glad God changed my mind!

Speaking of me wanting to quit and why, beginning of May started out as normal as it could during these weird times but God had something else planned for me! May 7, my company notified us that 12,500 people were being furloughed. Que: WTF mind blown reaction.  I got the call around 12pm and my whole day and mood changed. I cried a little wondering why me and why now? And then they wanted me to work one more week before furlough started ... awwww hell nah! But I had a talk with my mom and prayed and she suggested that I complete the week and give it my all. “Who knows when they’ll be able to remove you from furlough or if only a limited amount of people are removed and they remember how well you performed on your last week!” Those words stuck with me and it honestly was one of the best training weeks I had since I started! But baby that next Monday my body said enough of this pretending we are alright feel the emotions sis! I felt sick all day and as the first day of unemployment ended I broke tf down!!! I wasn’t allowing myself to feel the emotions of being furloughed during this pandemic! I thought it was selfish of me to feel some type of way when I’m blessed to not have to worry about money as my emergency fund is well equipped and the only thing not getting paid would hurt is my savings goal for my home purchase. But that day my body felt all the feelings and told me to process them so I did and I’ve been living ever since! I’m taking this time to listen to what God is telling me. He wants me to be still in this season for a reason with limited distractions so my ears are wide open! At the end of the day, I rather be furloughed if it means someone with a mortgage, kids and real bills doesn’t have to be!

Ok so boom, I was furloughed right and that next week Kaye Consults sales started booming! I was thinking I was going to take a week to do absolutely nothing and just chill but the Lord had other plans! I was working more doing revamps than I had been the whole pandemic with my real job! I was able to keep all my medical benefits including my Employee Assistance Program that offers 8 free therapy sessions and I was able to find a great black female therapist and I had my first session last Friday and I already love her!

I have had more time to focus on my business!
I have had more time to focus on my fitness and health journey!
I have more time to focus on my mental health!

I have had more time to focus on myself!

There’s a lesson and blessing in every trial and tribulation and I started receiving mine immediately! I’m looking forward to putting my trust and faith in the Lord during this time and seeing what else he bestowed upon me!

How has the pandemic affected your well being?